The Real American Meat Source

American Buffalo

American Buffalo

Did you know that buffalo meat is actually good for you?

I sure didn’t know much about it until I spoke with Dan Marino of Jackson Hole Buffalo Meat Co. I had the opportunity to pick his brain about buffalo meat and how it compares to beef and ask about taste. I think you will find his responses both surprising and interesting.

I’m calling buffalo the “real American meat” because it was the primary meat source for many of the Plains Indians until millions of buffalo were slaughtered back in the late 1800s, and they nearly became extinct. Now, they are being farm-raised on private ranches, and the numbers are back up to about one-quarter of a million.

Why Buffalo Over Beef?

According to Dan Marino, buffalo meat tastes better than beef. Although the flavor is similar, buffalo has a “lighter, sweeter flavor” and “doesn’t leave a greasy feel in your mouth. ” He also reveals that buffalo has a “much livelier flavor” but isn’t “gamy.”

That sounds good to me, but I can’t vouch for this because I’ve never had a buffalo filet mignon. So, I am making it my goal to try them side by side and see what my taste buds decide.

Another interesting fact he mentions about buffalo is its health benefits. Not only does it have 70% to 90% less fat compared to beef, but on average, it has 50% less cholesterol. On top of that, it is higher in protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and amino acids. Wow, my doctor may be prescribing buffalo pretty soon.

Did you know that because they are naturally resistant to disease and grow faster than domestic animals, they don’t need all the antibiotics and growth hormones that are typically given to beef cattle?

So, what do they feed a buffalo?

Buffalo are raised on open grassland and graze on natural grass. Because they are not fed manufactured feed, there is no current concern about mad cow disease. I was also told that unlike sheep and beef, they don’t defecate in their own water source. Now, what’s wrong with those sheep and cows?

What about inspections and grading?

Like beef, Dan’s buffalo are inspected by the USDA and the State Department. There is no official grading system, but the National Bison Association is working on it.

Flavor and texture

As I mentioned above, Dan thinks buffalo has more flavor. Since buffalo and cow have the same muscle groups, their texture and tenderness are very similar. He says, “A filet on a buffalo is every bit as tender as on beef. The main difference is the darker color and sweet flavor.”

Grilled Buffalo Steaks

Are there similar cuts available?

Because of their similar muscle groups, buffalo have the same cuts as beef. There are rib eyes, rib steaks, sirloin, T-bone, porterhouse, strip, filet, brisket, flank, roasts, filets, burgers, and the rest of the cuts.

How do you cook buffalo meat?

You cook it the same way you cook beef, but because of its lower fat content, it will cook faster than beef. Fat works as an insulator and slows down the cooking time. The less fat, the faster the meat will cook. So you can grill it, roast it, or pan-fry it. Just be careful not to overcook it.

Where can you buy buffalo meat, and why is it so expensive?

I’ve seen buffalo burgers at several supermarkets, but nothing in the more expensive cuts. Some grocery stores let you special order it, but it takes time, and it is very expensive. Your other option is to order it online at places like Jackson Hole Buffalo Meat Co.

The reason for the high cost is basic economics 101: supply and demand. Right now, there is high demand and very limited supply, and most of the supply is going to restaurants. Did you know that more beef is slaughtered in the United States each day than buffalo in an entire year?

Fresh or Frozen?

Dan tells me you can purchase buffalo meat, either fresh or frozen. They vacuum pack their buffalo product to give it a longer shelf life. By removing the oxygen from contacting the meat, it will not freeze burn on you. He says the vacuum-packed product has a freezer shelf life of about a year. They normally ship it frozen but can ship it fresh if that is important to you.

When I asked Dan what message he would like my readers to get about buffalo, he said, “Buffalo is the healthiest choice anyone can make regarding their meat eating end of their diet. If you are on a restricted diet, it is a red meat you can enjoy and feel good about because it will not cause the same problems as beef, pork, or any other domestic animal. .. The flavor is fantastic, too. Buffalo, it’s what America was meant to eat!”

If you have any questions, I’m sure you will find the answers at Jackson Hole Buffalo Meat Co., and if you don’t, I’m sure Dan would be happy to answer them for you. You can contact him at his website.

For a great recipe featuring buffalo meat, check out Buffalo Steak Diane.





3 Responses

  1. My husband & I have been eating Buffalo now since May 2013. We love it. We were first told about eating Buffalo when my husband came down with MDS. His Natural path Dr suggested it because she wanted him to still eat Red meat along with going totally organic. People have asked me many times about “How do you cook Buffalo?” So I started my own blog with my recipes. We will never go back to beef from the grocery store again.

  2. 5 stars
    I would recommend Beck & Bulow who do next-day delivery nationwide. In terms of value, good quality meat will mean you can buy something cheaper like their Every Day steak (2.43 per 125g steak) and it will be better than a more expensive steak from Tesco (Finest Sirloin is 6.60). Slow-grown meat also loses less weight during cooking, so that also means better quality can give better value. Finally, to address the comments about the unsustainable nature of meat production, this is true, when it is intensively farmed or imported. If we eat less but better meat then that’s better for us, for animals, for the planet and your wallet.

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