Guacamole Deviled Eggs

Guacamole Deviled Eggs Recipe

Guacamole Deviled Eggs Recipe

“Try them, try them, and you may! Try them and you may, I say.” –  Dr. Seuss, Green Eggs and Ham

I saw this idea for guacamole deviled eggs in a cooking magazine and told my wife about them. She must have thought it was a good idea because she and I, with my youngest’s help, decided to make them for a pool party we attended last night.

It’s no different from making regular deviled eggs, except adding a little less mayonnaise and substituting guacamole. You can make your own guacamole from scratch (best way) or take a shortcut like we did and use prepared guacamole from the store.

Either way, combine the guacamole with the other ingredients, taste and adjust according to your tastes. We found we needed a little more mayonnaise for a smooth consistency.

Results – Good, Not Great

My wife and I thought the eggs were good but wouldn’t try to duplicate this version in the future unless it was St. Paddy’s Day. The flavor was good, but the guacamole took away from traditional deviled eggs’ great “eggy” flavor.

I also think the green doesn’t associate well with eggs because nobody was eating them at the party. I’m unsure if that was because they didn’t like deviled eggs (but who doesn’t like deviled eggs) or the green un-nerved them, just like green eggs and ham in Dr. Seuss’s poem.

So Why Bother Even Showing Them To You?

When I saw them, I thought they were cool-looking and wanted to share this idea with you. Besides, some of you may love guacamole so much that you’re always looking for a new way to add it to a recipe. Or you may find yourself with abundant avocados and eggs and not know how to use them up. I hope not.


My wife and I both agreed that these might have been better if we just stuffed the egg whites with pure guacamole and not combined the guacamole with the egg yolks. If you try this alternative, please let me know your results.

Filling Deviled Eggs

That’s me adding the guacamole-egg filling to the hard boiled whites.

Adding paprika to deviled eggs

Adding a little paprika.




One Response

  1. I would try mashed avocado before I used guacamole especially store bought (which always tasted funny to me)

    I have used avocado in place of mayo on sandwiches and it was good. I just mashed it with lemon juice and salt

    I want to try this for st paddy’s day, that is a great idea and they will be more receptive to the green color- great idea! it will be good since everybody is on some version of keto lol.

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